In march of this year, I started working on a new series involving multi-layering, and overriding shapes; while drawing and playing with colors and opacity.
It started with squares and grid, it then involved deformations, and circles and other experimentations…

This path fits with my artistic generative approach: rather than having a completely predefined idea, I start with a simple concept that evolves during creation, leading me to some unexpected places.

8 months later, I went back to where I started: in strict grid and with squares… But with a very clear vision of what I wanted to do with it.

A new start coming with new foundations

2022 has not been like every other year.
Since one came with a new birthday for me, the one of being a father.

I encountered this life changing event gradually; this newborn is going to make me put the “I” aside for a long part of my life.

Over the past twelve months, I’ve watched him discovering the world surrounding him, learning and trying new things, laughing, or getting frustrated, sad or happy…

While learning to become a parent, I’ve been in an introspection phase where I questioned what it means to be “a father”. What values do I want to transmit him, and what impact will I have on my son, consciously or not?

“Foundations” takes shape in this context: 2 humans trying and exploring while being inspired by each other.

Artworks pre-mints

The foundations of our identities

The foundations of an identity are laid in the first days of a child’s life. They will be influenced by many factors; including parenting, cultural environment, life experiences…
As humans, I believe that we are in constant evolution; life happens, sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst, and our personality will be impacted…

I see “Foundations” as the start of a global set of series about the thematic of Identities, and foundations usually comes at something rather solid… Or hard to change and fight against.
For this reason, each artwork is Grid base.
This grid will be more or less dense, and can come up with interferences and movement. I see those elements as the individuality that resides in each of us.

Depending on the palette (total: 41), up to 12 layers of colors can be displayed, resulting in more unique personality.

The sketching/drawing/inky style of the artwork stands for the idea of perpetual evolution, and constant building.

A journey that led me back to the origins

From march 2022 to this day, I have around 150go of exports, from different sizes, and with different directions.
The firsts outputs of the journey were also the last: after working on 3 differents series, I went back to this “rigid” structure, and it was very interesting to see that my entire journey made sense.


Foundations will be the first series I release around the subject of Identities. It will also be my last series of 2022.

Tout tracé” is the second act.


Tout tracé

